Working ON Your Business Vs. Working IN Your Business: HOW To Get It All Done So Your Business Progresses [3 TIPS]

Working ON Your Business Vs. Working IN Your Business: HOW To Get It All Done So Your Business Progresses [3 TIPS]

Working ON Your Business Vs. Working IN Your Business.png

Possibly the #1 one struggle for business owners when it comes to managing their time is the balance between working ON their business vs. working IN their business. 

Working IN your business is: doing the activities that you’re paid to do

Working ON your business is: doing the activities that allow you to get paid, such as marketing

And let’s face it, if you’re not working ON your business your business won’t be progressing at the rate you’d like it to.

So my goal for you here today is to walk away with 3 tips that will help you to grow your business by guaranteeing you spend consistent time ON your business.

TIP #1: Know what working ON your business actually is

Write yourself a list of specific tasks that defines what working ON your business actually means to YOU.

And don’t just list ‘marketing’, be specific and state what that actually is! Is it booking and attending x1 networking group per week, is it creating x3 pieces of unique content every week, is it growing the number of connections you have on LinkedIn and having honest conversations?

Create this list, print it out and have it right in front of your laptop or computer - visual cues work! Just think about the billboard and product placements, they’re all programming you through marketing.

TIP #2: Schedule time in your calendar for working ON your business

Until you schedule it in like a true appointment, is it real? No, it isn’t!

Schedule these tasks from your list and follow through on this appointment you have for yourself. And, to add a bit of spice and make it more fun, move your working location when working ‘on’ your business. 

One client of mine goes for a walk as he does all his ‘working on the business’ phone calls.

Another client takes herself to a cafe for x3 hours every Monday morning.

Schedule the time and it will happen.

TIP #3: Invest in someone, something or someway to keep you accountable

We will always do more for others than we will do for ourselves, so get someone else to keep you accountable - because, if you keep putting the working ON your business week after week, it will become month after month, and year after year, and your business will plateau.

I’ve personally invested in business coaches and mentors, masterminds and group programs that have all made me ‘show up’ as a better business owner and forced me to work ON my business. 

What or who can you bring into your world to ensure you get the right tasks done the right way at the right time? 

Let me show you the simple way to secure more ideal clients on autopilot - apply for a complimentary 1:1 discovery call with me and I will solve any problem in your business so you can scale successfully.

Shannon Stone is a Business & Marketing Consultant who helps leaders in their field to find the most efficient path to growth, then together we master their marketing, so they can sign more clients, double their revenue and successfully scale their small business.

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