Your Business WILL Last Longer Than The Corona Virus, IF You Want It To: 5 SOLUTION-FOCUSED STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TODAY

Your Business WILL Last Longer Than The Corona Virus, IF You Want It To: 5 SOLUTION-FOCUSED STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TODAY

Your Business WILL Last Longer Than The Corona Virus.png

Is it your time to thrive? 

I’ve outlined 5 solution-focused steps you can take to help your business during this season.

#1: See this as an opportunity

There have been many, many businesses who have thrived in times of World Wars, Great Depressions & Recessions, because they kept going and they knuckled down.

This will be a time where your competitors will fall off, and this alone is an opportunity in itself, but it’s not the only one.

Diving deeper into the online landscape to help run your business, sell your products and services and improve the daily operations of your business, will help you to maximise your position.

Seeking additional or alternative markets to service whether it be temporarily or for the long haul will help you to diversify your revenue, and ultimately increase it.

#2: You get what you focus on

Decide what approach your business is going to take in the next 30 days, 3-6 months and 12 months. 

Will you focus on maintaining your existing playing field or growing?

Will you focus on pessimism or optimism?

This really is a time to be thriving, if you want to…

In the past few weeks, yes there have been many businesses negatively impacted, but there has also been growth in many too, take a minute to think about everyone who is thriving right now…

A hint of advice, be mindful of who you’re surrounding yourself with, and this includes who you follow on social media, including the media. I am ultra-selective of what I content I expose myself to, because I am a woman on a mission and I don’t need any distractions.

#3: What could/should you have done before this point? 

Before the household term of Corona switched from beer to being a pandemic, what could/should you have done?

Put more into marketing? Built a bigger database? Launched that second, third, fourth business or income stream? Started doing videos? Attended those networking events? Followed up with past clients?

Write a full list of this and be completely honest with yourself…

Once you have this list, you now have an action plan of what you NOW need to do.

The Corona Virus has blessed us in a way, to do the things we held back on. If you need help executing these ideas so you can have a positive ROI in less time, apply for a 1:1 discovery call with me.

#4: What are you glad you actually did?

Let’s not dwell on the negative without highlighting what good you did…

Write a full list of everything you’re glad you did before this point.

It could be that you grew some really strong relationships, developed excellent systems, had contingencies in place, followed the Profit First model so you’re not hiding under the covers… whatever it is, write it down.

Then, do more of this, or at least pat yourself on the back!

#5: Create a 90 day plan

Keep this one super simple, write a short, one page, 90 day plan by answering these questions below:

  • What are you going to focus on in this 90 days - the above steps will help you to answer this (growing, pivoting, exploring new markets etc.)

  • What you’re going to do right now - the above steps will help you to answer this (what will you focus on, what could/should you have done in the past that you are going to start doing now etc.)

  • What are you adjusting - answering this can also come from what could/should you have done that you are now going to do

The way I see it, it’s the businesses that are going to keep this world going.

If you need help during this time, please reach out -

x Shannon

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