7 Excuses I’ve Bought Into For Reasons To Not Get Visible [In Business]

7 Excuses I’ve Bought Into For Reasons To Not Get Visible [In Business]

7 Excuses I’ve Bought Into For Reasons To Not Get Visible [In Business].png

As someone who is continuously consistent with publishing content online, particularly in my private and free Facebook Community, it's surprising to some that I too have had "visibility issues", often stemmed from our old friend "imposter syndrome" - which is something I have openly shared in my Facebook Community over the years.

Being visible in business is integral to you building the know, like and trust factor which ultimately gets you clients, customers and grows your business.

And this is visibility pain point is something I see come up for many, many business owners, for deeper reasons than most realise - but for today, I thought I'd share and shed light to 7 excuses I have personally used so you too know you're not alone, and ultimately, you can get beyond this and become consistently visible to share how you can help others.

If you'd like to watch the Facebook Live I did on this where I elaborate even further, you're welcome to hop on over and watch HERE.

  1. It’s raining… and I don’t want the background noise to defer the sound - Yes, a silly excuse, but I used it.

  2. What if I stumble or forget what I’m going to say? - I say to people now, we never have 'perfect' conversations, so why worry if you're going to mess up, just move on and keep going.

  3. I want it to be “perfect” and I have a bigger content plan that I want to develop - I personally have a problem of thinking too big and can get caught up in the bigger picture that time runs away and I don't make any progress at all, or it's slow progress. #RecoveringPerfectionist

  4. I bought into ‘the naysayers” and other people's opinions - Watch the LIVE video to see me elaborate on this one but the lesson is, don't listen to anyone when they're not playing on the field as you... if you know what I mean?! If they're not creating videos or getting visible themselves on a consistent basis, then there opinion really doesn't matter.

  5. I’ll get it done “later” - Just like tomorrow, later never, ever comes. My suggestion, EAT THE FROG! - Go ahead and look that up if you don't know what it means, but in a nutshell it means, to do the most important thing FIRST.

  6. “I’m having an ugly day” - That could be my face, or my background, or the lighting or anything visual an aesthetic that I would go down the rabbit hole and never to reappear again...

  7. Who is going to see this? - Well, obviously your potential clients will see this, and that is your hope right?! Unless you have a fear of success over a fear of failure. It's true, this is more common than you realise and it's a common fear I see in many clients and business owners I speak to.

Watch the full Facebook Live video here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MarketingWithShannon/permalink/596354807594433/

Shannon Stone is a Business & Marketing Consultant who helps leaders in their field to find the most efficient path to growth, then together we master their marketing, so they can sign more clients, double their revenue and successfully scale their small business.

To see how Shannon can help you email shannon@shannonstone.com.au

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