3 Lessons I've Learnt From Being Nominated For An International Women’s Day Award

3 Lessons I've Learnt From Being Nominated For An International Women’s Day Award

3 Lessons I've Learnt From Being Nominated For An International Women’s Day Award.png

Recently I was nominated for an award, an International Women’s Day award for the category of young emerging leader in business, which was absolutely flattering!

Throughout this process I have learnt many things already which I thought would be valuable to share with others in business.

Lesson #1: We need to ask for what we want

For many years a long-term client of mine was always encouraging me to apply for awards as she is a true raving fan of my work and the achievements we have worked on together for her business. 

And for those many years, I didn’t take her words of wisdom and apply for any, it was just another one of those ‘to-do’s’, until I saw the #IWD2020 award nominations.

These awards sparked interest for me and I thought “why not”, so I asked my encouraging client if she would be happy to nominate me if she thought I fit the bill - long story short, she applied, my nomination was accepted and I have since passed through the interview process!

I share this because, more often, we need to ask for what we want. If we waited around for moments of luck, we wouldn’t get nearly as far as if we truly asked for what we wanted.

Lesson #2: It gets you thinking about why you do what you do

Being nominated for an award comes with it many questions from the panel and judges that re-spark you reasons for doing what you do, in my case a Business & Marketing Consultant.

But let me tell you, I’m not “just” a Business & Marketing Consultant, I too have a big vision - and that’s to see poverty eradicated in my lifetime and I plan to do this through business.

I currently help my clients to grow successful, profitable, scalable businesses so they can take care of their family, their community and their economy - and I plan to do the exact same thing with my worldly vision with eradicating poverty; teaching and sharing ways each individual, community and economy can become efficient and independent through business.

It reminds me that I have a very big mission and it keeps me connected to what I’m doing and why I’m doing it.

 Lesson #3: You don’t know what’s going to happen, but follow the path

I have no idea if I’m going to win, I’ve answered all the questions, I have spoken to the judges and had an interview and now it’s up to their final decision. 

The same is in business, you don’t know if you’re going to win, it’s not guaranteed, but it’s important for you to do your due diligence and do everything you can to put the odds in your favour. 

 I am really grateful to have made it this far with my nomination, I absolutely would love to win as I know this opportunity and the leadership that comes with it will help me and many, many others. So, together, let’s watch this space...

Shannon Stone is a Business & Marketing Consultant who helps leaders in their field to find the most efficient path to growth, then together we master their marketing, so they can sign more clients, double their revenue and successfully scale their small business.

To see how Shannon can help you email shannon@shannonstone.com.au

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