No Sales? It's Because You're Making It Hard For People To Buy From You

No Sales? It's Because You're Making It Hard For People To Buy From You

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Sometimes it isn’t that people don’t want to buy from you, it’s because you’re making it hard for them to do so.

Convenience of purchase can be where the rubber meets the road and the difference between someone buying from you.

It’s important to note, throughout your promotion phase, the customer journey and the sales process, there are a multitude of touch points that can ease or disease the result of your clients purchasing.

Take this for example, in your local grocery store when you reach the ‘check-out’ you’ll find a heap of convenience items, lollies, chewing gum, chocolate etc. and these ‘convenient items’, which are ‘conveniently placed’ have contributed to $6Billion in retail checkout sales (in the USA) and they produce 41% higher profit margins that the rest of the products in the store…

These numbers are achieved primarily because they are being seen.

Know this, “it’s the environment that helps people buy”.

How are you creating the ideal environment for your prospects to buy from you? 

I’d suggest you focus on getting in front of these prospects and get in front of them often!

Let’s rewind back to the theory of the Marketing Mix, also known as the 4P’s - Product, Price, Place Promotion - I’m highlighting this because I don’t want you to experience this P, problem - let’s read on...

“You could have the right product, at the right price, have the right promotion - BUT, you could be having it in the wrong place”

Having it in the wrong place leads to, $0, zero sales and zero business.

One mistake in the marketing mix and it’s all over, because it never started.

ACTION: List x5 consistent methods you can reach your prospects, and one day per week execute one of these x5 strategies (e.g. social media, cold calling, creating video content, emailing your list, podcasting).

If you’re unsure of what strategies are effective for you, I provide complementary strategy sessions for businesses looking for an honest view, apply here:

Two final pieces of advice; 

First, people buy because of where they are, not what you sell. You could be selling the worlds greatest <insert your product/service/result> but if they don’t know about it, it’s not sitting at “the checkout”, they’re never going to know about it, which means they’re never going to buy.

Second, meet people where they are. Get in front of your audience to make it easy for them to buy from you - if all you did was focus on connecting the awareness of your business with getting in front of your prospects, you’d end up making sales.

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